is professor at the Musikhochschule in Cologne and at the Music-Conservatory of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, Spain „Musikene“. He is the oboist of the Ma’alot Windquintett.
The oboist Christian Wetzel studied at the Conservatory for Music in Hannover (Germany) with Prof. Ingo Goritzki.
At the age of 24 he became principal oboist in the National Theater Orchester in Mannheim, and was named nine years later as Professor for Oboe at the „Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy” Conservatory for Music in Leipzig (Germany).
Here he taught until 2008 when he accepted the title as Professor at the Conservatory in Cologne (Germany) where he currently works as one of Germany’s most reknown teachers.
He also holds a class at the Music-Conservatory of the Basque Country in San Sebastian (Spain)
„Musikene“ and teaches at other leading music conservatories such as the Juilliard School in New York, the Royal Academy of Music in London or the Vienna Music Conservatory and holds masterclasses throughout the world .
When not teaching, he enjoys appearing as a soloist and chamber musician at various renowned international music festivals and as a founder and oboist of the internationally acclaimed Ma’alot Windquintett, which has won many competitions and CD-awards throughout its long lasting history.
Christian is happy to work with interested oboists and speaks English, German and French.